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Room 16 Kirklandneuk

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Term 4

Primary 7a have had a really exciting term so far. We had a terrific time during our residential/activity week and returned with stories of bravery and courage (that pizza box was scary!). As well as playing hard, we have also been working hard in class to complete our current topic- the USA!. Miss McCurdy asked us to create a learning plan and so far we have explored New York coordinates, features of the Big Apple and the Twin Towers tragedy. Our teacher has been very impressed with the insightful questions we have asked. We still have to learn all about Hollywood and we can't wait to record our own movies.

Speaking of movies, this week we recorded our health adverts to promote Care in the Sun. From jingles to persuasive language we know how to create and sell new products. With all the sunny weather, it is important that we bring our water bottles, sun cream and hats. We have taken full advantage of the clear skies and spent our Golden Time playing sports.

Primary 7a can't wait for the school show: 'Annie' on the 6th and 7th June. Many of us have been working extremely hard at rehearsals and our classmates and teacher look forward to seeing us on the 'big stage'. After the show, we'll be working towards our Leavers' Assembly and Dance. As well as this, it will be a month of Olympic Training for Sports Day.

Congratulations to Nina, Chelsea, Antonia and Chloe for their excellent auditions. Sorcha was selected to perform at the Garden Party on 15th June.

Did we mention that we will be at RHS for a day of adventure in 'I'm a Primary 7, Get Me Out of Here'. My goodness, we do have a busy schedule, but we love a challenge.

I hope you are all having fun at Renfrew High Team! Wishing you and your families a wonderful Jubilee Break. See you next Wednesday. Miss McCurdy :)


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