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Room 16 Kirklandneuk

Monday 24 November 2008

Primary 7 art projects

Primary 7 have been working on a six week art project in the style of Pablo Picasso with Miss MacKay, an art teacher from Renfrew High School. They have looked at examples of Picasso's work, produced line portraits and 2D shape self-portraits. The final piece is a 3D cubist portrait.

The children also recently produced a collaborative class piece of artwork for the Holocaust art competition. They thought of messages and images that were for peace and against war and discrimination.

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  • At 6 February 2009 at 22:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Very impressive web pages P7
    Intrigued by your secret topic!
    Photos of your science and art work are fab
    Best wishes
    Mrs Gibbons


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